Simple Social Media Share Buttons – Social Sharing for Everyone



4.8 out of 5 stars.

We recommend the “Simple Social Media Share Buttons – Social Sharing for Everyone” WordPress plugin for its comprehensive image social media sharing features. This plugin offers a rich set of customization options, making it a versatile solution for every WordPress site.

Here are the key reasons why this plugin is an excellent choice for your image social media sharing needs:

1. Flexible Placement Options: The plugin allows you to position the social sharing buttons in various locations, such as above, below, or both above and below the post content. You can also display the buttons on the sidebar, on media, and even as popups or fly-ins.

2. Customization and Animations: The plugin offers stunning animations and the ability to customize the colors of the social sharing buttons, allowing you to seamlessly integrate them with your website’s design.

3. Compatibility with NextGEN Gallery: The plugin is compatible with the popular NextGEN Gallery plugin, making it easy to add social sharing buttons to your image galleries.

4. Comprehensive Support: The plugin is actively maintained and supports a wide range of languages, ensuring that it can be used by a diverse audience.

Overall, the “Simple Social Media Share Buttons – Social Sharing for Everyone” plugin provides an excellent solution for enhancing the social sharing experience for your WordPress site’s images. Its flexibility, customization options, and compatibility with popular plugins make it a must-have for any website looking to increase their social media engagement.