Perfect Images (Manage Image Sizes, Thumbnails, Replace, Retina)


Jordy Meow

4.8 out of 5 stars.

This WordPress plugin, “Perfect Images,” is an excellent tool for managing and optimizing your website’s images. Here’s why it’s a great choice for image resizing:

1. Manage Image Sizes: With this plugin, you can easily disable unnecessary image sizes and keep track of the sizes created for each of your media entries. This helps streamline your image management and free up valuable storage space.

2. Replace and Regenerate Images: The plugin’s replace and regenerate thumbnails features make it a breeze to update your images. You can quickly swap out old images for new ones or regenerate your thumbnails in bulk, with a convenient progress bar to keep you informed.

3. Retina Images and High-DPI Support: Perfect Images automatically generates and serves beautiful, crisp retina images, ensuring your website looks stunning on high-DPI devices. You can also manually generate retina images and create them for full-size images.

4. Disable Image Threshold: This plugin gives you the flexibility to disable WordPress’ automatic image scaling feature, which can sometimes result in unwanted file names.

5. CDN and Image Optimization: The plugin supports CDN integration and provides image optimization through the EWWW Image Optimizer, helping you improve your website’s performance.

With its extensive features, the Perfect Images plugin is a must-have tool for any WordPress site owner who wants to take control of their image management and optimization. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow, improve your website’s performance, or create stunning visuals, this plugin has got you covered.