PDF Embedder


PDF Embedder

4.6 out of 5 stars.

We recommend the PDF Embedder plugin for adding image watermarks to your WordPress site images. Here’s why:

The PDF Embedder plugin offers a unique and flexible method for embedding PDF files on your website. It allows you to have full control over the appearance of your embedded documents, ensuring they load fast without any speed penalty.

Unlike other PDF embedder plugins that use iframes, the PDF Embedder plugin does not have this limitation, providing a better viewing experience across all devices. Additionally, the plugin offers a range of premium features, including:

– Download button in the toolbar
– Continuous scroll between pages
– Fully functional hyperlinks
– Full-screen mode
– Edit page number to jump straight to a specific page
– Track number of downloads and views
– Mobile-friendly embedding with a “full-screen” mode for smaller screens

For added protection, the PDF Embedder Premium plugin on its Pro plan also allows you to make it difficult for users to download or print the original PDF document. You can even add a watermark with custom text, including the logged-in user’s name or email address, to discourage sharing of screenshots.

Overall, the PDF Embedder plugin offers a robust and flexible solution for embedding PDF files on your WordPress site, with a range of premium features to enhance the user experience and protect your content.